Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Coupling v coupling

I've been joined for the Balkans leg of my journey by Ludvig, a polyglot Swede of quite disgustingly comprehensive knowledge.

Last night we stumbled back to our hotel and didn’t feel like going straight to bed.

“Chess?”, I suggest.

“Humph”, he replies.

“Wanna watch something?”, I ask.

“Sure. What?”

“Well, what about Coupling?” (a British sitcom I introduced him to a couple of weeks ago).

“Err, ok… I think I have an episode on my computer”, he says sheepishly.

So I went and had a showed and brushed my teeth and came back into the room to find him sitting on the bed, with a porn video playing on his computer.

Slightly uncomfortably, I lay on the bed and watched a girl do something which most baulk at.

A few minutes pass. Porn is not something men should watch together, so I suggest to my beloved Passe-partout that perhaps we should put Coupling on, as agreed.

He looks at me, blankly. Seconds pass.

“What do you call this?”

The penny drops. Ludvig had forgotten the name of the sitcom, and misinterpreted my suggestion of watching coupling as being, well, a suggestion to watch ‘coupling’.

Turns out he didn’t even have the sitcom on his computer anyway. So we turned in, to an understandably restless sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! This is absolutely hilarious..for two reasons! Firstly, I didn't need a dictionary to understand it, and secondly, I feel in love with the real "Coupling" in Australia and I got so jealous knowing you were going to watch it without me...which, in your actual living of this experience, probably wish you had been watching it with me too!!